
Types of Goldfish

Goldfish are a cultivated form of a silver crucian (Carassius auratus), and it is one of the popular aquarium fishes. The first data about goldfish are received from China and relate to X-XII centuries. The length of a goldfish reaches 30 cm.

The aquarium types of goldfish are usually smaller. Their body is extended, ellipse, with a sharp snout. The back of the fish is commonly red, its sides are golden, and the belly is yellowish. Fins may be red, orange or yellow. There are also kinds of goldfish that are light pink, white, yellow and even dark blue. Due to Chinese and Japanese selectors a lot of types of goldfish are received. Some of them are described below.

The Most Popular Types of Goldfish

Bubble eye
This goldfish is remarkable for its big eyes, which look like bubbles filled with water and hanging on the both sides of the head. The "bubbles" of the best individuals are equal to a quarter of their body. Eyes start to grow after the young goldfish is 3-4 months. It should be noticed that the eyes are very vulnerable. They can be pierced and then fall down, but in proper conditions they are restored within 3-4 weeks. This type of goldfish should be maintained separately or together with calm kinds of aquarium fish.

Crown pearlscale
This type of goldfish was grown in China, and for a long time the exportation from the country had not been allowed. Only in 1926 the goldfish was taken out to Japan. It has a rounded body. Each scale is creamy-white, so that the fish looks covered with pearls. The color of the fish is more often red and white. It is one of the most capricious and gentle type of goldfish.

The comet is the simplest and the most unpretentious type of goldfish. It is small with a long tail surpassing the length of the body. The longer the tail fins, the higher an individual is estimated. The color of a comet can vary, but those fishes, which have contrasting body and fins colors, are considered to be of high value. In China the most beautiful ones are reputed to have silver body and bright red tail.

People are fond of this type of goldfish due to its color that represents a combination of white, black, red, yellow and dark blue. The goldfish is mobile, it feels good in the water with low temperature and it is unreceptive to illnesses.

Recommendations on the Goldfish Maintenance

It is recommended to maintain goldfishes in a spacious aquarium with large pebbles. This attractive fish has remained a carp deep in its heart, and like carps the goldfish adore digging in sand, stirring the water up and taking out the plants. Therefore the aquarium should be supplied with a powerful filter, and the plants should have a strong root system. The temperature of the water can change from 15 up to 25 °C for the fish with a long body and from 22 up to 28 °C for the short ones.

The chemical solution is not very important. Neighbors of goldfish should be calm and peaceful. Goldfish is omnivorous fish. It can be fed with seafood, white bread, cooked semolina and porridge. You can also make balls of bread and meat. It is necessary to give salad and nettle, otherwise the goldfish will start eating aquarium plants. They are gluttonous, but you should not overfeed them.

Fish As Wonderful Pets

If you want something new for your house, think about fish and aquariums... big aquariums, because they go with these times' fashion.

The little golden fish wondering alone around his bowl seems to be long forgotten. Instead of the little bowl, there are now huge aquariums, mounted on the walls or even enclosed in them, containing lots of colored fish, sand, lights, little stones and aquatic vegetation. Optionally you can choose a little castle of house to make the décor unique and fantasy-lie.

This idea has been adopted from restaurants, clubs or other public locations, but now it applies to homes of animal lovers, fish lovers especially.

You have decided to adopt fish because you like them or because you heard they bring prosperity and well-living to your life. Either way, you have to know how to take care of them because they are not just a decorative object; they are living beings that can't take care of themselves.

They are going to need your full attention and care, they will totally depend on you. Here is some general advice, general because each species act differently and has different needs:

What do we need?

We need an aquarium, a thermometer, a heating system, a water filter, and plants to oxygenate the water, sand and little stones, and a source of light for the plants.

How do we actually do it?

Before placing the fish in the aquarium, the water needs to be left alone 24 hours and its temperature has to be of a minimum of 22-23 Celsius (it can differ for some species). The water is not changed all at the same time, it needs to be changes in several stages, 20% on each stage.

How do we feed fish?

Twice a day, we give them the dried food, the life food or the frozen one, depending on the species.

How do we treat sick fish?

The most common illness encountered amongst fish has as an exterior effect the apparition of some white pits on the flippers of the fish. In such situations, treatments are administrated in the aquarium to prevent the illness from spreading to the other fish too. For the right treatment, you have to go to a fish heath shop.

Another rule in fish illnesses of any type is to just raise the temperature of the water in the aquarium and to dissolve some salt in it.

House training - Showing Love to Your Pet


For puppies, giving them instructions is not that difficult to do. But house training a dog, especially during his young adult years may yield some complexities along the way compare to doing it during the puppy years. But then, it pays if you are uncomplaining in performing it together with him.

No matter how cute or cuddly your dog is, if he doesn't know where to put his waste properly, he will surely be labeled by your visitors as a 'bad dog' or worst, 'dirty dog'. Surely you wouldn't like it to be that way, nor do you not want to be blamed for having not trained your dog to do it in the right manner during his puppy years.

To start your dog in the house training process, it is important that you should establish a good working relationship with him. It may sound crazy, but try to talk to your dog by sharing words of encouragement to him. He may not interpret every word that you say, but he can feel the dedication you give to make him a better dog.

For training on his elimination manners, you should try to open the areas at your home, and locate where your dog goes when he has the urge to defecate. Probable he will go to the gardens or any place he considers as private for such an activity to do. Take note of the place, and allow him to go to that place again and again if he feels urges to drop his waste. But if he is littering anywhere around the house, try to transport him outside if you notice his actions at once. Do it for several times until it will stick to his thoughts that you want him to defecate outside the house and not inside the house.

Moreover, when your dog is urinating somewhere else than where you want him to be, it is important to do the same thing as to when he is defecating. He will probably pee in places outside your house, and he will leave a mark on that place instantly. Allowing him to do it in a constant manner will give him the initiative that the right pee place is the one you desired for him. You should also limit your dog's oral fluid intake, so that his bladder contents and movements will be controlled. Doing so will give some adjustments to your dog's urinating time of at least four hours interval. Some dogs that are poorly trained on this aspect will urinate every hour in any place they want to.

It is not advisable to place your dog in a cage that gives him no room for elimination. If your dog is placed on a cage, it is important to let him out at least thrice a day to give him time for defecation and urination. Try to bring him around the park for a walk, and there he will be able to find a perfect place for these activities. Leaving him unattended at his cage will surely result to a stinky smell of your dog's place.

For training him to situate his own area for sleeping and recreation, it is important that you should be able to allot a simple space for this. This is the area he will treat as his own. Place some toys or anything he can chew on that place so that he will not get bored. It may be advisable to place a clean rag, because sometimes your dog is searching for a soft spot where he can place his bone and chew it. Spend some quality time with him in his area. In no time, he will sense that the area you prepared to be his space is his own room. You should also keep it clean at all times.

House training a dog is a very rewarding thing to do. It is considered as a special way of showing love to your pet. You can't just imagine the satisfaction that it brings, especially when you see your dog doing his stuffs on his own. You will surely become a proud person when this happens.